Get Any Language - Translation Services

    Translation Services in Mumbai

    Mumbai (erstwhile Bombay) the capital of Maharashtra is also known as the Financial and commercial capital of India. Mumbai is a cosmopolitan city located on the coast of Arabian sea and is a combination of reclamation of 7 islands.  The city has grown from leaps and bounds and has an approximate population of 20 million. The city is also known as the maximum city and city which never sleeps. With these descriptions there are many industries who are having their businesses in Mumbai due to the best geographic connectivity via road, rail, sea and air.

    Banking Translation Service in Mumbai

    Way back from the British regime, translation from the local language to English and vice versa has been of outmost importance. Today with the 360-degree communication happening over all the media, connecting with individual stake holders and customers in their language of communication becomes very important to conduct and excel in business. All the major banks have their headquarters and reginal or regulatory office in Mumbai due to the presence of RBI in Mumbai. Due to this the amount of translation work for banking services in India is majorly executed and dependent in Mumbai. Translation of internal documents for communication, circulars, compliance and other official and marketing communication are the most sorted out ones which need translation services in Mumbai. Other banking detailing such as statements, circulars to customers and related communication for their marketing activity and customer retention is also a ongoing translation service requirement for all its customers in India and abroad.

    Foreign Trade Translation in Mumbai

    As we know Mumbai is well connected not only in the country but also to foreign countries for physical material forwarding via land, rail, sea and air. This bakes Mumbai a strategic spot for foreign trade translation in India.  Trade and commerce require not only physical hubs but also perfect documentation to meet the requirements of the documentation according to the rules of the land. So a document translation service in foreign trade becomes very important. No two documents are going to be the same cause every material and every mode of transport and the country of origin or destination have different rules and regulations. An effective translation company in India aids in understanding the document and its contents and intent and then its translated.  Therefore, we would consider us as the best foreign trade document transition company in Mumbai.

    Certificate Translation Agency in Mumbai

    When we talk about documents and certificates, they might seem to be small but the core details in the same are always vast enough. The certificate translation in India ranges from basic documents such as exam certificates, professional degrees, marriage certificates and business certification, ISO certification, audit certification, IT security audit certification and many more. As we have been discussing the importance of language in India where we have 22 official languages and even more foreign languages when we are doing business across the national borders proper document and certificate translation is of utmost importance.  Admission to universities in India and abroad needs the education certificates to be certified and also translated according their rules and regulation. Trade and business across the globe have different rules and regulations for certification in their local language what ever may be the product or services. In the same way electronica’s and technology related products call for certification to be understood in the local lingo of the country and consumers. This is the importance  of a certificate translation service in Mumbai and India.

    Language Translation Services in Mumbai

    Translation from one language to another is known as language translation. Now it has become a norm why cannot we translate it with online available tools both free and paid. The answer is you will only translate the word and not the exact substance of the text. As we have heard translation is not only a science it’s an art. Translation includes a lot of subject matter expertise and also native translation. Mumbai houses many a business organization and its inevitable that they would need translation service at least once in a year or more, hence language translation services in Mumbai is very essential.

    Document Translation Services in Mumbai

    To make sense of every word in the document and to make it acceptable for the translated language set becomes equally important when we are in the business of complete language translation services. Many of you would have experienced illogical translation in many online sites because it just translates keeping the word set in mind and not the exact meaning of the whole sentence of text content. That’s the reason document translation services in Mumbai are very essential. The document can be a normal letter, government document, office circular, agreement draft, product documentation and many more. It first has to be understood in the sense of the essence of the document as to what exactly is the service of the document and what services are being targeted.  Then the subject matter expertise has to be involved and then the translation happens. If there is a miss match in the subject or segment expertise there might be a gap in the service delivery and might not fit the exact requirement. The reason we suggest the exact pairing of the translators according to language and segment expertise is to provide best in industry services.

    Legal Translation Services in Mumbai

    Mumbai being a commercial capital has lot of legal work to be carried on. Legal work does not only imply litigates and cases but also many other forms of documentation such as property purchase and lease agreements, rent agreements, contracts and agreements for different companies’ products and services, financial services agreement for loans and mortgages, international agreements and many more. With this its very important that there is good legal translation services in Mumbai available for all the companies. Legal involves tactfully translating the exact meaning in the legal terms and making complete sense out of the same. Any misinterpretation would cause not only financial loss but also interruption in the flow of goods and services. We have to have specific translators who are not only good in language pairs but also in the subject of the legal translation services to be rendered to. Only proper legal translation survives can help trade and commerce boom in a growing economy like India.

    Technical Translation Services in Mumbai

    When it comes to technology Mumbai is not the hub of development as it’s more of a business capital, but technical translation services in Mumbai have been around for ages. Majority of the technical companies use Mumbai as hub for extending it services to foreign countries. Mumbai also has big SEZ such as SEEPZ which houses a lot of companies doing export business mainly software, jewelry and gems.  In the flow many industries have come around SEEPS in the MIDC area and have expanded their business domestically and internationally. These companies need translation services for their technical services as software and manufacturing are more technical are need best in industry translation services in Mumbai.

    Medical Translation Services in Mumbai

    The health sector is growing due to many components affecting the human health in an incremental manner. India has a huge chunk of medical tourist inflow to treat minor and major diseases. Medical translation service involves the translation of multiple medical documents such as medicine data, training resources for healthcare, patient past medical history records, prescriptions, specific ailments, and many more.

    Importance of accurate medical translation in Mumbai

    Accuracy of the medical information is always important cause any mismatch in the information can become crucial for the patient’s treatment. There are multiple points from side effects from specific drugs to dosage and other critical points where the translation becomes very important and 100% accuracy is always a basic benchmark.

    Zero Errors

    There is no allowance of errors or miscommunication or misrepresentation of information when it comes to medical translation services in Mumbai India. The information has to be 100% correct. Any mismatch of it might lead to multiple complications.

    Matter of life of death.

    The medical transition output is actually a matter of life or death for the patient. Cause any information misrepresented, added or missed out can cause serious complications in the treatment and becomes a matter of survival of the pat

    Education and Edutech Translation Services in Mumbai

    Mumbai being a cosmopolitan city has schools teaching the students in multipole languages. Hindi, Marathi, Guajarati, Tamil, Telegu, Kanada, Sanskrit, Urdu and other popular languages. With English being the first language of instruction for the English medium the respective languages are the first in the language specific schools and some of the English major schools have the regional languages in there list. In some schools there are foreign languages taught such as German, French and other European language. The University of Mumbai which governs all the affiliated colleges in Maharashtra also has a foreign language department to facilitate the study by individuals. There are also foreign language bodies such as Max Muller – Germany which has specific courses in German for Individuals and corporates. With the humongous list of work there is a big scope of Education translation services in Mumbai. Also, with the growing online education and tutoring services the load of work for Education translation services for Edutech is a direct replica of the physical sector. Some important points to be noted on the education translation services in Mumbai India. Accuracy and adaptability, the content has not only to be translated in the different languages but also has to be made simple and lucid according to the grade of instruction it is required for. If the translation is not according to the specific grade the students might find it difficult to understand and the mechanism would become tough and wards might opt out of the specific language for optional language or even the institution or online education service provider on a serious note. Value adds such as pictorial representation and valid story telling for assisting the students to grasp some tough points in foreign languages. This is a crucial point when designing the study material in multiple languages when education translation services in Mumbai is concerned. Such component’s make things easy and become a ready reckoner when it comes to language study.

    Business Translation Services in Mumbai

    Mumbai is a hose to many businesses small, medium and large. Mumbai has more than 5 Central Business Districts spread across the city and in the satellite city of Navi Mumbai. With business and trade going on there is always a requirement of business translation services in Mumbai. May it be document translation, certificate translation, website localization in Indian and foreign languages, customers clearance, import expert, banking certificates, agreements, advertising and marketing all of them need business translation at some point in time. Business translation also calls for manual translation or interpretation at certain junctures where major conferences are held in Mumbai India or companies travel to foreign countries from India. These sorts of records ensure correspondence between your organization and your clients or providers or inside your organization. Your corporate picture and achievement are not entirely set in stone by the nature of this business correspondence, and your business documentation, like offers, quotes, letters, handouts, and so on. Subsequently, business Translation of your archives is a fundamental aspect in your global/between local business. A decent quality business Translation can spell the distinction between acknowledgment or dismissal of your statement/delicate, or buy/dismissal of your item on the lookout, for instance.

    Financial Services Translation in Mumbai

    Mumbai is also known as the financial capital of India. There are a host of banks & financial services companies LIC, HIC, HDFC, IDBI & many more and to top it the top 2 Stock Exchanges BSE & NSE and majority of the stock brokers providing stock broking and instructional services. With the above one can imagine the amount of Financial services Translation in Mumbai is a big segment and growing day by day with the increasing number of transactions.

    Insurance Services Translation in Mumbai

    Mumbai hosts majority of the Insurance companies in India. Insurance is a national service and at all points of time for internal and external communication it is essential to use the local  language for more clear and better communication connect. This makes Insurance translation services in Mumbai very critical. It can be highlights of a new policy or the regulatory norms and other communication against mal practices, its very essential for the Insurance companies to communicate to its customers and public by and large. Online media acceptancy in Multiple language with the growth in the adaptation of online and digital communication is also an important factor to localize the content of the communication. This also makes Insurance translation in Mumbai a different facility offering altogether.

    Healthcare Industry

    Over 60% of patients don’t seek appropriate treatment, or specialists can’t get patients well due to no correspondence or language boundary. At the point when you leave the Translation undertaking to competent Translators who comprehend clinical phrasing, have industry information, and are genuinely conversant in both objective and source dialects, you will notice further developed correspondence in various parts of your business. This will, at last, prompt fulfilling patients with minor errors. The littlest slip-up with a medical care Translation can prompt a challenging circumstance for a patient. Any disarray concerning patient sensitivities or medication measurement can result in genuine outcomes. Subsequently, it is brilliant to believe in Translation to experienced language specialists in the field.

    Website Translation Service

    At Get Any Language, we give proficient site Translation administrations in India, from and into any language. We guarantee top caliber, quick pivot, and financially savvy experienced site Translation benefits that can prompt a sharp jump in your business development! A portion of the unique elements of our site Translation administrations include:
    • Inside and out information on the objective language, culture, and the market because of which our site Translation administrations create a charming client experience and drive business results.
    • Accessibility of Website Translation administrations in any arrangement according to customer prerequisites.
    • A specific group of specialists with the refreshed area information.

    Our Translation Service Process

    Stage 1: Scope out the text to be deciphered

    The initial step is to figure out the text you will interpret. The topic and content, how long it is, the composing style, assuming it’s specialized, the different areas, and so on. The Translator will ordinarily peruse or skim-read pieces of the text to outline the substance. They might note key ideas or wording they’ll have to explore and choose if any primer foundation perusing is required. Here and there, they’ll research and resolve how they’ll interpret key terms before starting the Translation.

    Stage 2: Initial Translation

    Presently they deliberately decipher the record, commonly in pieces of 5 – 10 words all at once. Picking the proper length of individual text pieces to manage is significant. Each article will be a discrete and complete unit of importance in a perfect world. Each piece additionally must be short to the point of holding in shorting term memory. Anything over around 10 words can be a battle. Sentences are longer than this, so they will commonly be separated into more limited units. Working with pieces that are too short or not discrete importance units will, in general, create an unnatural and possibly muddled Translation. Then again, working with excessively long pieces to effectively recall risks some significance being missed in the Translation.

    Stage 3: Review the precision of the Translation

    After the principal draft is finished, the Translator will then, at that point, deliberately work through the arrangement contrasting each piece of text and the first (source) text. The essential objective here is to affirm they haven’t missed any substance or confused any significance.

    Stage 4: Take a break

    The following stage is exceptionally straightforward – set the Translation to the side and enjoy some time off. Preferably this ought to be for a couple of hours or short-term. The thought is to clear the psyche to guarantee a more successful fifth and last advance.

    Stage 5: Refine Translation phrasing

    In the last advance, the Translator re-peruses the Translation, this time without reference to the source archive, checking out the nature of articulation.

    Why Choose us?

    Our Translation Agency is vital, with numerous Translation specialist organizations and Translators. With us, you can get a decent and profoundly gifted Translator who will guarantee that every one of your records is interpreted precisely.

    Years of Experience

    We are not a juvenile player in the business. We have years of involvement with the Translation area representing our greatness.


    Ensuring total consumer loyalty, we offer limited rates to our customers combined with a few intermittent proposals on administrations.

    Proficient Team

    Our group comprises expert specialists who have enormous information in interpreting a wide range of archives in all language sets for all businesses.

    Quickest Turnaround Time

    We esteem your time, just as that of our own. To this end, we offer excellent Translation in the briefest period, keeping the quality high.

    Smoothed out Work Procedure

    Nothing goes as arranged if you don’t follow a technique. To this end, we work as per a smoothed-out work strategy that keeps us lined up with time.

    Various Languages Covered

    We point towards extensive Translation arrangements. Henceforth, don’t offer Translation in a small bunch of dialects; instead, in 250+ worldwide dialects and tongues. We keep the rates low so that anybody can manage the cost of Translation. We don’t boast about our quality; we show results. We try to avoid fooling around.

    Mumbai Address :

    A-304/305, Rustomjee Central Park, Andheri – Kurla Rd, Chakala, Andheri (E),Mumbai, Maharashtra 400059.
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